Jumat, 13 November 2020



When you were in school but teachers didn't come
When you tried to seek job
but you only got dissapointment
When you proposed your fiance
But she refused your proposal
Is it all that make you down ?
Do you lose your direction ?

Everyone has problem
You don't feel alone and blue
Don't let your people sad
They count on you
And guess you're superhero
Have you forgot it ?

Go home , take a shower
Clean your body with holy water
Wear the best clothes that you have
You're still blue , so
Try to pray to your God
Think that it's gonna be better

The flood will be damaged by prayer
Your soul will be stronger than as usual
The day was going quickly
But nightmare came again
How , how can be ?
Could you solve this disaster ?

Go home , take a shower
Clean your body with holy water
Wear the best clothes that you have
God still cares with you
Do you argue with your ego ?
Or it will bury you tragically
Here I just can pray
for all the best for you

The songwriter : Lazuardy Hasan Pratama


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